Home Cleaning & Maintenance GLN Adds Advanced Vapor Technologies Case Study to Website

GLN Adds Advanced Vapor Technologies Case Study to Website


CLEVELAND, OHIO—Hasek Communications, the Tampa, Fla.-based publisher of Green Lodging News, has added an Advanced Vapor Technologies Case Study to its website. The case study details how the Vancouver, B.C.-based Loden hotel uses Advanced Vapor Technologies’ MondoVap with TANCS dry steam vapor sanitation system daily. The reduced-chemical, low-moisture cleaning system, which ensures “in-sourced” carpet and drapery cleaning, results in rapid room turns and lowers operating costs while providing superior results.

“We have enhanced the guest experience using the MondoVap as a cleaning and sanitizing tool because is it quick and chemical-free, and leaves a clean, fresh, non-fragranced smell,” says Nada Vintar, long-time Executive Housekeeper at the Loden. “Once Curtis Bryce of Innovative Cleaning Solutions shared it with us several years ago, we adopted it fully as a daily tool for in-place wool carpet and fine drapery cleaning, and hard floor and above-floor care; as it enables restoring pet-soiled rooms quickly for same-day turnaround so guests are not kept waiting and rooms are kept in ready inventory.”

To learn more about Advanced Vapor Technologies, visit www.advap.com. To read the entire case study, click here.