Home Kitchen & Laundry Totally Green’s ORCA System Featured in Maclean’s

Totally Green’s ORCA System Featured in Maclean’s


TORONTO—Totally Green announced that its ORCA system was featured in the September 28, 2015, edition of Maclean’s Magazine. The article spotlights ORCA’s adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) technology to increase system efficiency by letting customers wirelessly track waste and sustainability metrics while proactively managing their overall service.

In the column, Maclean’s takes a look at how Totally Green teamed up with Rogers Communications to develop a customized IoT technology that would incorporate sensors and cellular transmitters into the ORCA system. This forward-thinking approach is hailed as “one of the most compelling success stories of a Canadian company embracing IoT technology.”

Shawn Dym, CEO of Totally Green, highlights the innovative benefits for ORCA customers in the article by noting “the IoT technology makes the service as seamless as possible for the customer. The other aspect is that, because we are dealing with food waste and many customers have multiple sites, the technology allows our customers to look at the metrics and see which locations are generating the most waste or the least waste, and what days and times it’s being generated. They can then use that information to change their process, minimize waste, and maximize efficiency.”

IoT technology creates opportunities for more direct integration between the physical world and computer-based systems, resulting in improved efficiency, accuracy and economic benefit.

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