Home Publisher's Point of View IHMRS Owners, Managers Aim to Revitalize Historic Show with ‘Entirely New’ Event

IHMRS Owners, Managers Aim to Revitalize Historic Show with ‘Entirely New’ Event


The International Hotel, Motel + Restaurant Show (IHMRS) has long been my favorite industry show. In recent years the show has experienced a steady decline in attendance, and yes, importance, as other shows have come along and people’s buying and networking habits have changed. In 2013 and 2014 Green Lodging News worked with the managers of the event to create a Hospitality Green Division—an area where green exhibitors were grouped together. It was a great idea and, I believe, a positive step in helping to stabilize the show. Yet, that step and several others were just not enough to save the show. I just learned that the owners and managers of IHMRS, in the show’s centennial year, have decided to stop IHMRS.

Now for the good news. Recognizing the potential and energy that the show still represents, IHMRS will continue on in the form of an entirely new show called “HX: The Hotel Experience—Rooms to Restaurants (HX).” Millions of dollars are being invested into the event that will debut November 8 to 10 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. There will no longer be a Hospitality Green Division although green suppliers will be highlighted in five new show divisions: Food & Beverage, Guest Services, Technology, Kitchen Design, and Rooms Division. In past years I have organized or helped to organize green educational sessions at IHMRS. This year I will be organizing three green educational sessions at HX. Continue to read Green Lodging News for more details on these. And, if you have topic suggestions, feel free to pass those along.

Expect more of a Hollywood style production with HX. The HX show floor will feature engaging new product theaters—HX: ONSTAGE RESTAURANT and HX: ONSTAGE HOTEL. Industry experts appearing live in HX: STUDIO will cover everything from cooking trends and marketing strategies, to social media and handheld devices. Information-rich lounge areas will provide guest comfort while HX: TECH showcases the hottest products, solutions, and ideas. In the spirit of true hospitality, HX also has a concierge service to put the right exhibitors in touch with the right buyers.

A Rebrand of the Entire Experience

The Chairman of the Board of HX, Anthony G. Mangano, who is also President Syramada Hotel Corp. (Syracuse, N.Y.), is excited about this year’s brand new show. “Making this enormous change at our 100-year juncture is exciting,” he says. “These are not tweaks or modest improvements. HX 2015 is an entirely new show. It all came down to delivering true hospitality, that is, anticipating a guest’s needs before they even know they need it. We all agreed we wanted a show that performed at this level. We’ve created more reasons for attendees to be on the show floor longer by reimagining, renovating, and rebranding the entire experience.”

For many years an education-focused Hospitality Leadership Forum was held on the Saturday prior to IHMRS. That event will no longer take place although there will still be student-focused activities on that day. For those looking for learning opportunities, there will be many education-focused sessions throughout the three-day HX event.

HX will be held side by side with Boutique Design New York (BDNY), a highly successful, high-energy event that has grown significantly since its launch in 2010. In fact, BDNY, to be held November 8 to 9 this year, had a record year in attendance and exhibitor representation in 2014.

You can bet there will be great anticipation leading up to HX. Be sure to follow Green Lodging News for more details on the event as they become available. You can also visit the HX site for updates.

Who is Your Sustainability Champion?

Green Lodging News is always looking to profile sustainability champions in our Personnel Profile section. If you would like to nominate someone for this section of Green Lodging News, contact me at (813) 510-3868, or by e-mail at editor@greenlodgingnews.com.

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Every two weeks Green Lodging News posts a new guest column on its website. (Click here for examples.) The guest column also appears in the weekly e-newsletter. Green Lodging News is currently in need of industry experts to contribute occasional guest columns. Experts may include consultants, architects, designers, suppliers and those who own or operate green lodging establishments. Columns may be articles that take a stance on a particular subject or be strictly educational in nature. Columnists benefit by having their photo included along with a one paragraph description of their company. Interested in writing a column? Contact Glenn Hasek, publisher and editor, at (813) 510-3868, or by e-mail at editor@greenlodgingnews.com.

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As always, I can be reached at editor@greenlodgingnews.com.